Contact Us
Resume Source ®, 2012
1. Sign up below for the Referral Reward Program.

2. We will email you with a code to share with your friends, co-workers, and family

3. Your referrals must complete our inquiry form on this website, and enter your referral code  
    at the top of the page in order to enter you into the rewards program

4. Within 24 hours (during normal working hours) we will contact your referral to schedule an  

5. For every referral resume purchased, we will rebate $10 to you, or donate $10 to the 
    Oklahoma Food Bank or another approved charity in your name

**We will send rebate checks every 90 days.**

Resume Source ®, 2012
Referral Program
"Accenting your potential not just your past"
First and Last Name
Home or Cell Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Resume Source ®, 2012
Contact Us
5610 South Memorial Drive Suite D • Tulsa, OK 74145 • 918.663.1450 (office) • 918.665.3691 (fax)
9125 South Sheridan Road Suite 105• Tulsa, OK 74133 • 918.663.4200 (office)
405.949.2800 (Oklahoma City)
479.443.7070 (NW Arkansas)

Resume Source ®, 2012

Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
5610 South Memorial Drive Suite D • Tulsa, OK 74145 • 918.663.1450 (office) • 918.665.3691 (fax)
9125 South Sheridan Road Suite 105• Tulsa, OK 74133 • 918.663.4200 (office)
405.949.2800 (Oklahoma City)
479.443.7070 (NW Arkansas)